Thursday, March 14, 2019

Afternoon Rain

Does it bother you that someday this would all cease to be? This Sunday afternoon, this silence of unspoken words and this smell of cinnamon in your tea. 

Does it worry you that, no matter how many photos we take or videos we make, all this and it's memories will fade away? 

Does the coldness of the space still scare you? Does the cacophony of this world still irritate you?

Or has my love made you stronger? Will you now go where you'd have never gone before and fight where you'd have never fought before?

Has my love made you love life more? 

There is an inevitability of death of all things beautiful and it will soon be knocking on the door. When it does, even if long after you are not you and I am not me any more, will you still hold on to that door? Will you still protect this carefree laziness, this lying about on the floor with your hand in my hand and the smell of this afternoon rain?

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